Visit David's site for his record label david paton songs to find out about his latest projects as a writer, musician, and producer. You will find out about the latest releases on his label, hear clips, and all the happenings in his studio. Be sure to check out his studio diary to hear some of the latests things to come out of his studio. |
A sister site if you will for co-Pilot and Project bandmate Ian Bairnson. Like David's site, at ianbairnson.com, you will find lots of great information about Ian Bairnson. Of course, there are great pictures to see, current news to read, and MP3s to hear. You can also submit questions for Ian to answer through the Ian Inquirer! |
Here is the official website for Alan Parsons! Here you find info on and even purchase Alan's latest new electronic CD A Valid Path. You will also find AP Merchandise, Tour Info, photos, and lots of more great information about Alan Parsons, the engineer, producer, and recording artist. Check it out! You won't be disappointed. |
Here is the website for the official Alan Parsons Fan Club Newsletter, The Avenue! Here you find up to date info on the comings and goings of Alan and the Alan Parsons Band. Of course, the site will also tell you how you can subscribe to this brilliant fan club newsletter. Check it out! You won't be disappointed! |
Here is Project founder and writer/musician Eric Woolfson's website for his new Edgar Allan Poe CD available now. Be sure to check this site out to hear clips and find out more about this CD that has been 6 years in the making! You won't be disappointed! |
Here is the gateway to all things Alan Parsons and The Alan Parsons Project related. Bookmark this site to keep up to date on all the developments and news related to Alan Parsons, the Alan Parsons Project, and the talented musicians behind the Project. |
Check out the official site for Elton John. David worked extensively with Elton in the studio and on stage in the 1980s. David's bass riffs on Nikita are more than memorable. From Live Aid to the Melbourne Symphony shows, his live performances were exhilarating. Climb aboard and ride the rocket at eltonjohn.com! |
Ok Pilot fans. Here is a great fan page from Japan by Mariko Oyama. This is a great source of info for Japanese fans on Pilot. Many sections are also in English! So even if you don't speak Japanese, please surf by! Mariko is a die-hard Pilot fan that loves sharing her appreciation of the band with others! Fly on over! |
This is a really unique site by Japanese fan Masami Seko. Like Mariko, she is a dedicated Pilot fan. Did you ever want to know the words to those great Pilot tunes? Well, here you will find the lyrics to Pilot songs in both English and Japanese. Yes, its "Oh, Ho Ho its Magic!" not "Ho, Ho, Ho, its Magic!" David isn't Santa Claus! |
Ian & David were there to launch Kate's career. Gaffaweb was assembled by a group of volunteers from the Love-Hounds mailing list and the newsgroup rec.music.gaffa, with the aim of creating the ultimate resource for Kate Bush fans. Currently there is no official Kate Bush Site. But this has it all! |
David currently plays bass as part of Donnie Munro's band. Donnie is the former lead singer of the band Runrig. A new album entitled Across The City And The World with David on bass was just released March 2002. David also just finished a short German tour with Donnie in March 2002. |
In the 1980s and 1990s, David worked extensively with Rick Wakeman. Whether it was playing on his albums or performing live, David enjoyed the work with Rick. Rick and David's Classical Connection performances were spectacular and showcased David's fretless bass and classical guitar work. Check out Rick's official site! |
David was part of the Camel lineup in the early 1980s, touring, playing bass, and singing on the Single Factor & Stationary Traveler albums. He returned in the 1990s on Dust and Dreams and Harbour of Tears. Camel and Andrew Latimer are still going strong. Check out Camel Productions Official Web Site for all the latest news and info! |
Skylines is one of the first Camel sites to appear on the web. This "unofficial" site is sharp looking and contains tons of great information about the band. You will find an extensive discography, a comprehensive FAQ, lyrics, MIDIs, paper archives, links and much much more. Check it out and you will be glad you did! |
David worked extensively with fellow Scotsman FISH in the 1990s. Check out the official website for FISH. This site is loaded with information and goodies about FISH and even includes an interview with David and Foss Patterson. You can also purchase product directly from The Company. A great looking, comprehensive site! |
Visit the website of David's long time friend Nobby Clark, the original lead singer for the Bay City Rollers. David produced and played the music on his 2 latest albums If Only and Going Home. You can hear clips from these albums and purchase them at his site. You can als find out wthe latest about what Nobby is up to. |